
Greeting from KDA's president Mr. Yukinori KIDA.

Let a machine dose a job machine can do. A man enjoys a creation.

Enjoy a Creation

I have loved MONOZUKURI (which means making something by own skills in Japan) from my boyhood. Immediately after the war in Japan, there were very few goods. So I had often made toys by myself.

On a Japanese New Year holiday, I made a kite and a unit of winding up thread. I made it taking after a reel of fishing. Then a neighboring woman saw it and praised me "You made it well!" I was very happy to hear that words. And now I remember my feeling 'I want to make something again!' sprang out strongly at that time. I think that my memory has become my present origin.

It has been pasted several ten years since I started my business at Ohta-ku Japan which is the city of MONOZUKURI in 1969. My company has provided plastic processing service since the foundation, and added ceramic processing service in 1989, LED light service in 2010. "I hope to make it better by a bit of contrivance!" This thought still of me leading.

Our MONOZUKURI is out of preconceived ideas, and reconsidered the core of productions, structured by original methods. We have had many experiences of failures, but we have not retired and have been keeping our way. Therefore now our products have become applied to many units and machines in some top science technology fields, semiconductor, fuel cell, solar panel, medical unit etc.

From now, we have been given many significant requests, and have been joined many developments of enterprises. I think such our experiences have made our technological foundation and I really appreciate all.

MONOZUKURI is fun! 'Enjoy a creation', it's our origin. And as a result of a creation, it makes better our Japan and our world. I think so.


Born in Aichi-ken JAPAN.
Graduated the Meiji University.

Started business in 1969.

Hobby is "Shogi" (Japanese chess)


Manufacturing technologies of plastic parts. KDA Corporation.
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